Monday, January 12, 2009

water table in Gurgaon

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Gurgaon, January 12- Due to good rains last year, the water table in Gurgaon has shown improvement of 1.08 meters, which may bring some relief to the residents here.
As per the records of Hydrological Department, the average water table in Gurgaon was at 27.25 meters in June 2008 while this level came slightly upwards at 26.17 meters in October 2008. This shows that the water level in the district has improved by 1.08 meters during a period of five months. On block wise analysis, it was found that Gurgaon block registered an improvement of 1.95 meters when the water level reached to 32.65 meters in October 2008 from 34.60 meters in June in the same year. Similarly, the water table in Farukhnagar Block came up by 0.40 meters from a depth of 18.40 meters to 18 meters. Water level in Patoudi block came up from 31.50 meters to 30.15 meters during this period, showing improvement of 1.35 meters and Sohna block registered an improvement of 0.60 meter from 24.50 meters in June 2008 to 23.90 meters in October 2008.
The Deputy Commissioner Deepti Umashankar said that though there is some improvement in the water table of Gurgaon district yet the residents should themselves continue to adopt rooftop rain water harvesting system in their premises. They should also educate others about the useful impact of this system. She told that the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) had in 2001 declared south and south-west districts of NCT Delhi, Municipal Corporation of Faridabad and Ballabgarh, Municipal Corporation Gaziabad, Gurgaon Town and adjoining industrial areas of Gurgaon district as 'notified areas' in view of depletion of ground water resources due to its over exploitation and deterioration in ground water quality. The Authority in exercise of its powers and functions conferred under section 5 of Environment Protection Act 1986, had directed all residential societies, institutions, hotels, industrial establishments located in these areas to adopt the rooftop rain water harvesting system in their premises.
The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) also made rules in the same year. Under regulation 81A of Haryana Urban Development Authority (Erection of Buildings) regulations 1979, the Deputy Commissioner told that arrangement of rooftop rain water harvesting was made mandatory for obtaining completion certificate in the buildings where the area of roof is 100 Sq. meter or more. She told that the system of collection, conveyance and dispersion of rain water for harvesting should be made in such a manner that only clear water is able to enter into the earth. No contaminated for waste water from the building or surrounding areas should finds its way in this system. The entry points of rain water for harvesting should be design such a manner that in normal days these remain closed.
The DC while appealing the people to adopt rooftop rain water harvesting system in their premises said that the design can be obtained from the office of Additional Deputy Commissioner or from Hydrologist.

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