Friday, November 28, 2008

1st North Zone Regional Workshop on ‘Planning and Management for Timely Justice’

Chandigarh, November 28 – The Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur today stressed the need for a National Planning and Management System for the Administration of Justice. He also stressed the need for adopting a multi pronged, multi dimensional approach and strategy to meet the challenges that the country’s judicial system facing today due to our ever rising population. Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur, who was addressing the inaugural session of the 1st North Zone Regional Workshop on ‘Planning and Management for Timely Justice’ organized under the joint auspices of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh Judicial Academy and National Judicial Academy, Bhopal here today, said that the number of cases pending in the Subordinate Courts / District Courts had risen to 2.60 crore and those pending in the High Courts more than 38 lakh. He observed, “it is very disturbing that despite numerous measures taken by the Government as also by the judiciary by way of increasing the Judges’ strength in the country, establishment of permanent Lok Adalats, promotion of Alternative Disputes Redressal Mechanisms, establishment of Mediation and Conciliation Centres and above all despite reforms in the procedural laws applicable to adjudication of disputes, the back log of cases has kept on increasing every year. No single step, reform or measure can help wipe out the arrears and ensure disposal of cases within a reasonable time frame. There is no magic wand that can either reform the system or over-night reduce the arrears of cases. A multi pronged, multi dimensional approach and strategy along can help the judiciary in meeting this challenge”. He said that in olden times, a Judge was never formally trained for the discharge of his functions as a Judge, since the burden of cases was manageable and he learnt his lesson by himself. Things had changed since then. He pointed out, “Pressure of work on Courts today is so great that the Judges need to be trained not only to cope with the volume of work but also diversity arising from the proliferation of laws that the Courts are called upon to enforce and administer. It is not uncommon or surprising that Judges would encounter problems arising out of management of their official business not only on account of lack of training in such management, but also on account of lack of awareness regarding the availability of different supporting systems that can help them produce better results.” Quoting Mr. Paul Hawken, a Management Guru, “Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyonewants to get to work and deal with them”, he said that good management could go a long way in solving the problem of pendency of cases in the Courts and ensure speedy justice to the people. He said that the National Judicial Academy had for the first time in judicial history identified key management areas with a view to enhancing productivity of courts. These key areas comprised Policy Framework, Court Management System based on Court Wise Plans for Timely Justice, Pendency Management System, Individual Case Management System, Information Management System for Timely Justice and Establishment of Planning and Management Support Units at the State and national level. Action plans for implementing the strategies in respect of each one of the above management systems relevant to the individual State should be discussed and implemented. He pointed out that the management of business in the courts, which include management of case work, a Judge is entrusted with, management of staff provided to him, management of time available at his disposal and management of everything concerning him as a Judge including management of members of the bar, who are an essential part of our system, was absolutely essential to achieve a satisfactory level of productivity. Management lessons, techniques and strategies were relevant not only people, who manage business or other commercial organizations, they were relevant and indeed essential even for those, who are managing administration of justice in the Courts and determining the rights and liabilities of the parties and granting redress to them and which is by all means no less important than managing a business house. Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur expressed hope that the workshop would help the participants in understanding the nature of problems and the real causes that impede productivity and evolving methods to manage work and problems in a better way. Mr. Justice Mehtab S. Gill also addressed the participants of the workshop. Prof. (Dr.) G.Mohan Gopal welcomed the Judges and participants of the workshop. Mr. Justice Ashutosh Mohunta presented vote of thanks. No.IPRDH/2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Haryana pavilion IITF 2008 on sunday.

Unveiling the Statue of Shri B.N.Chakravarty, ICS

Karnal, 23rd Nov, 2008 : His Excellency Dr. A.R.Kidwai, Governor Haryana unveiled the Statue of Shri B.N.Chakravarty, ICS who has been the Governor Haryana from 15.9.67 to 26.3.76, at Karna lake tourist complex of Haryana Tourism, Karnal. Sh. Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister, Haryana, Sh. Milon K.Banerjee, Attorney General, Govt. of India, Mrs. Kiran Choudhary, Minister of State for Tourism, Forests, Environment and Sports & Youth Affairs Minister, Sh. Arvind Sharma, MP, Karnal and Sh. Bhim Singh Mehta, MLA, Indri were present at the occasion. Similarly, the family members namely Sh. Gourab Banerjee and Ms. Jaya Chakarvarty were also present.

The officers that were present on the occasion were Smt. Keshni Anand Arora, Commissioner and Secretary Tourism, Smt. Satwanti Ahlawat, Managing Director, Haryana Tourism and Sh. B.S.Malik, Dy. Commissioner , Karnal.

Mrs. Kiran Choudhary stated the press that the statue of Sh. B.N.Chakravarty has been unveiled as a mark of respect to the departed soul. It was he who laid the foundation stone of Karna Lake tourist Complex here on 11th Feb, 1972 . As on date, karna lake has come up as a full fledged tourist complex providing accommodation, restaurant, bar, conferencing and boating facilities etc. The ultra modern Fast Food at Oasis is adjoining it and is visited by a number of tourist everyday.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hali Mela at Panipat

Chandigarh, Nov. 22 - The Vice President of India, Dr. Mohammad HamidAnsari today said that eminent poet and social reformer Khawaja AltafHussain Hali Panipati has shown a new way of life to the people and hemade efforts to instill a feeling of patriotism in people throughhis innovative writings. The Vice President was addressing the gathering on the occasion oftwo-day Hali Mela which was organised by Hali Trust, Panipat atPanipat today. The Vice President said that Hali lived in a troubled time. Althougheducation system was prevalent at that time, yet the Britishersformulated a new education system for Indians so that they could getclerks to run their business. Dr. Ansari asserted that Hali understood the circumstances prevailingin the society and infused the feeling of patriotism among the massesthrough his creative Poems, Najams and Gazals and he stressed the needof girls' education about 125 years ago to empower women. He said thatMaulana Hali's attitude to social problems is reflected in an earlyexample of a feminist poem, Chup ki daad, where he described withgreat sensitivity the plight of women and noted the emergence of newtrend of opening doors of education to them. The Vice President said that Hali was a writer and poet and he haddescribed close connection between bad and good and said that "Jo loag nekiyon mai mash-hoor bouhat Hoan nekiyon par apni namaghroor bouhat Neki hi khood ek badi hai, ger na ho kholoos Neki sebadi nahi hai bouhat door" Similarly Hali had also highlighted the differences betweenknowledge and ignorance and said that "Hain jehel main sabaalim-o-jaahil humsar Aata nahin farq uske soo unko nazar Aalim ko haiilm upni naadani ka Jaahil ko nahin jehl ki kuch apni khabar" Dr. Ansari reminded that in 1907 while addressing an annual sessionof All India Muslim Educational Conference, Mr. Hali identified therelevance of modern education to employment and urged the youth tomake their efforts to redress the situation. He had advised them notto confine their quest to government jobs but to seek expression oftheir talent and genius in crafts and education. The Vice President said that Panipat had a historical background andHali had tried his best to fame the name of Panipat. Dr. Ansarireleased books, one book was published by Haryana Sahitya Akadmicomplied by Dr. Subhash Chander namely Altaf Hussain Hali 'Srijan aurChintan', 'Dastane Hali' written by Ramesh Chander Puhal, 'ChunidaNazame and Gazlain' published by Panipat Hali Trust and complied byDr. Subhash Chander and Ram Mohan Rai. He also released a Halicalander of 2009 and launched a webside ''prepared by Hali Trust Panipat. The Governor, Haryana Dr. A.R. Kidwai said that Hali who was born in1837 during the British rule had left an indelible imprint on theminds of people. Hali gave a message of patriotism and unity andintegrity of the country which was still relevant even today, headded. He expressed hope that the people of Panipat would make maximumcontribution to keep the cherished memory of Hali alive. Dr. Kidwai said that Panipat city is a symbol of peace and amity andthis city had made a lot of contribution in the progress of the state.He gave a clarion call to the people of the Panipat to propagate themessage of Hali throughout the world as this was the need of the hour. The Haryana Chief Minister Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda said that Haliwas a great poet who had infused the feelings of brotherhood and amityamong people through his writings. The Hali had advocated theempowerment of women at that time as he had realised that without thecooperation of the women healthy society could not be formed. Mr.Hooda said that Haryana government had also launched a number ofwelfare schemes for the women of the state. While referring to therelations between India and Pakistan, he reminded that the people ofthe both countries had made supreme sacrifices to get the country freefrom the clutches of British Empire. India and Pakistan had commonheritage also, he asserted. The Chief Minister said that a school was being set up in the Haveliof Hali in his memory. He also announced to provide a grant of Rs. 5lakh from his discretionary fund so that the heritage of Hali could bewidely propagated. The President of Hali Panipati Trust and member of PlanningCommission, Dr. Syeda Hameed and Chairman of Parsar Bharati ArunBhatnagar, Vice President of Trust Mahesh Dutt Sharma also spoke onthe occasion. Those who present on the occasion included, Balbir Pal Shah, Mrs.Parshani Devi and Raj Rani Poonam all MLAs, Chairperson of SamajKalyan Board, Renu Poswal and Commissioner Rohtak Division. Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh had also sent a message to theHali Panipati Trust and complemented the trust to organise a Hali Melato keep alive the memories of Khawaja Altaf Hussain Hali and hiscontribution to the Urdu literature. The Prime Minister also laudedthe efforts of Hali Panipati Trust for taking this initiative tospread the message of Hali Sahib to the youth of India.

A view of Traditional Haryanvi Sang

Thermal Power Project at Jhajjar

The Haryana Government has completed acquisition of 1115 acres of land for the establishment of 1320 MW Super CriticalTechnology Thermal Power Project to come up at Jhajjar through thefirst Independent Power Producer ( IPP ) in Haryana. A Spokesman of the Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd.(HPGCL)said here today that the first meeting of the Co-ordinationCommittee, constituted by the Government of Haryana, under theChairmanship of the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary(Power), Mr Ashok Lavasa, reviewed the progress. Managing Directors,HPGCL, Sanjeev Kaushal, Managing Director, UHBVN, Vijayendra Kumar,Managing Director, CLP Power India, Rajiv Mishra, Director/Business,Navin Munjal and other members of the Co-ordination Committee werepresent. He said that with the acquisition proceedings, the Govt. of Haryanais fast nearing the process of completion of the facilitationcommitted in the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). He further added thatthe Haryana Irrigation Department had already committed the allocationof 150 cusecs water for this project. He also said that the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. ofIndia has communicated the environmental clearance for the SuperCritical Technology to be used in the Thermal Plant on October 16.TheHaryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd. has already obtained thelinkage of 5.21 Million Tonne of coal per year for the Plant. Withthis, the CLP Power India Pvt. Ltd. would now commence theconstruction activities on ground in a phased manner shortly. The 1st Unit of 660 MW is scheduled to be commissioned in January2012 and the 2nd Unit of 660 MW in July 2012. For achieving the Financial Closure of the project, the CLP hasengaged the financial consultants. It has been ensured to achievefinancial closure by August, 2009. The main financial plan for theproject envisages a combination of International Banks, multilateralagencies, together with Rupee Lenders and back up financing planunderwriting the entire debt of the project. The approval of IDBICredit Committee was received on 12th November and the finalapproval by the Executive Committee is expected on 27th November. The CLP has already submitted a proposal for Railway siding plan. Theproposal is under consideration of Ministry of Railway. TheEngineering Procurement & Construction contract will be finalised byDecember 15. Chimney height clearance for 275 metre high chimney forthe project has also been obtained from Airport Authority of India,New Delhi. He further stated that in-principal approval for megapower status to this project has been accorded by the Ministry ofPower. For purchase of 90% of power generated by the plant, the CLPand the distribution corporations of the State have already signed thePower Purchase Agreement. For sale of balance 10 % of power, CLP istaking up the matter with some agencies outside the State of Haryanaabiding with the terms and conditions of the Mega Power Policy. Referring to the status update of the project, he saidthat Amarchand Mangaldas has started the Legal due-diligence of theproject and the first draft is expected this week. Lahmeyer has alsostarted the Technical due-diligence and are also expected to submitthe first draft soon. KM Dastur had sent the draft policies for Marineand DSU Policy, EAR & ALOP etc. Common term sheet format is preparedby Clifford chance and discussions were held with HSBC, SCB & CALYON. Simultaneously, the Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. has alsostarted the process of setting up of 400 KV substations at Deepalpurin district Sonepat and at Dhanonda in district Mahendergarh forevacuation of power from this project. Construction power of 6MVA isbeing provided by the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam. The existingcapacity of 132KV sub-station Bahu Jholri is also being augmented byinstalling an additional 16MVA transformer, he added.

financialassistance to war widows in Haryana

Chandigarh, November 22 - Haryana Chief Minister Mr Bhupinder SinghHooda has announced to introduce the scheme for providing financialassistance of Rs. 1000 per month to all war widows of the state inaddition to family pension they are already getting from CentralGovernment. The Chief Minister has also announced to enhance the financialassistance to Ex-Servicemen and World War II veterans. The financialassistance to ex-servicemen has been enhanced from Rs. 600 to Rs. 1000per month and to World War II veterans from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 permonth. The Chief Minister said that the enhancement in pension of widows of2nd World War veterans has been made from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 permonth and of widows of ex servicemen from Rs. 600 per month to Rs.1000 per month. The total extra financial implication to implementenhanced financial assistance scheme would be about Rs. 9.95 crore peryear.

Clinton, President of the U. S invited Haryana C.M.

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Chandigarh, November 22 - Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) establishedby William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the United States hasinvited Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda to a meetingof CGI scheduled to be held at Hong Kong on December 2 and 3, 2008. In a letter personally written by Mr. Bill Clinton to inviteMr Hooda to the CGI meeting at Hong Kong, he has mentioned that theevent at Hong Kong has been designed to foster philanthropic culturein the dynamic and growing region of the world, Asia. CGI has been established in the year 2005 to turn good intentionsinto real action and results. CGI Asia offered a new membershipopportunity to engage business, government, civil society, andphilanthropic leaders across Asia. The CGI Asia Meeting in Hong Kong,the first CGI meeting to be held outside the United States, is achance for Asia's most influential leaders to come together and takeaction to solve the region's most pressing issues. The meeting wouldfocus on three primary areas of discussion which includes education,energy and climate change and public health. The working session ofCGI's on education will explore specific and actionable ways toenable millions to gain access to quality education as education isessential for social and economic development, beyond lifting peopleout of poverty and strengthening the global economy, educationalopportunities can dispel conflicts, create jobs and improve healthconditions. The energy and climate sessions will explore the economicopportunities in fighting global warming around the globe. Panels willexplore carbon markets, innovations in the transportation sector, newpower technologies and breakthrough in energy efficiency. The PublicHealth session will seek to inform and inspire new commitments toimprove health in the poorest countries and reduce the profound healthdisparities among and within the countries. As an integral part of membership, each CGI Asia participant wouldhave to make a Commitment to Action—a new, specific, and measurableinitiative that addresses a social, economic, or environmental problemof the member's choosing. Commitment to Action is the efforts totranslate ideas into results. CGI members have made nearly 1000commitments with the potential to impact hundreds of millions of livesin more than 100 countries. At Hong Kong, Mr.Clinton will join several hundred Asianleaders from a wide variety of backgrounds to further strengthensocial and global responsibility in Asia, and move toward the benefitsachieved through collaboration. Two days of panel discussions andinteractive working sessions would be held, each of which wouldexamine specific challenges and opportunities for action. The sessionsin the meeting would examine the ways emerging economies are achievingsustainable and equitable growth, particularly in the midst of aglobal economic slowdown, rising energy and food prices, and mountinghealthcare costs. Business and government leaders would discuss thepriorities that countries and regions would have to balance in orderto strengthen equity and stability in the context of growth andglobalization. For emerging economies in Asia and beyond, growth isessential for job creation, poverty alleviation, and social stability


Folk Culture

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


#1. 75% of people are chronically dehydrated. #2. In 37% of people, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger. #3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters
#5. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. #7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.
#8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water you should drink every day?
#1. In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident. #2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone in two days.
#3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.
#4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of aluminum foil dipped inCoca-Cola.
#5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubbleaway the corrosion.
#6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
#7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
#8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
#1. the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
#2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
#3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean engines of the trucks for about 20 years!
Now the question is, would you like a glass of water? or Coke?

Renzangla Day Memorial Samaroh and Ex-servicemen Sammelan

Gurgaon, November 18- The martyrs of Rezangla who made supreme sacrifices on 18th november 1962 during Indo-China war to stop the enemy forces from reaching Chushul (Ladakh) air strip were remembered today and a programme was organized at the war memorial of Gurgaon in their memory. The Haryana Governor Dr AR Kidwai was the chief guest in this Renzangla Day Memorial Samaroh and Ex-servicemen Sammelan. Dr Kidwai laid wreath at the war memorial to pay tributes to the martyrs. The Jawans of 9 Maratha Infantry saluted their martyrdom by putting their weapons upside down. The Governor presented shawl and mementos to war widows and gallantry awardees. While addressing the gathering, the Governor said that 114 soldiers of Charlie Company of 13 Kumaon Battalion laid their lives at renzangla post on 18th November 1962 and thwarted the attempt of Chinese forces to capture Chusul air strip. Even the enemies praised the heroic deeds of these soldiers and their commander Major Shataan Singh was conferred Paramvir Chakra posthumously, the highest gallantry award, for this act of bravery. Most of the other soldiers of this company were conferred with Vir Chakra. Dr Kidwai said that such heroic deeds of martyrs should always be remembered because these infuse a feeling of patriotism among the youth and children. He said that it has been an age old practice for the people of Haryana to serve in defence forces and the changing times have not diminished the enthusiasm of a Haryanvi to don the uniform and serve the country. Dr Kidwai told that Haryana has about 11 per cent contribution in armed forces and they have made supreme sacrifices that makes us proud. He said that the small state of Haryana has 1.58 lakh serving soldiers and 2.8 lakh ex-servicemen besides 1348 war widows and 63629 widows of ex-servicemen. With these large number of widows, the Sainik board should constitute committees for taking care of them. At the same time, the Governor appealed the historians to mention about the contribution of Haryana in defence forces of the country. While welcoming the setting up of second Sainik School in the state, he said that this would enable the children with defence background to join as commissioned officer in the forces. As a result, the deficiency of officers in the forces would be met. Dr Kidwai also conceded the demands put forth by Major TC Rao, President of Renzangla Shahidi Samaroh Samiti in which five acre land was demanded for constructed DGR Bhawan and naming of Round About at Palam Vihar and Sector 23 in Gurgaon as 'Rezangla Chowk'. He announced Rs. 1.01 lakh for war widows. Earlier, Captain Ajay Singh Yadav, PWD B&R and Irrigation Minister Haryana told about the heroic deeds of soldiers at Rezangla post in Ladakh. He said that the country was united because of the soldiers. Captain Yadav expressed his gratitude to Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda for opening a Sainik School in Gothra-Pali in district Rewari and said that state government was planning to set up a defence university, first of its kind in the country, at village Binola in district Gurgaon. He also supported the demand of ' One rank one pay' in armed forces and said that he along with other members of Rezangla Shahidi Samaroh Samiti would meet the Prime Minister and President on this issue. The demand was raised by Major General (Retd.) Raj Kadian who is Chairman of IESM. Captain Yadav announced to give Rs. One lakh to the Samiti. Sukhbir Singh Jounapuria and Rao Dharampal also paid tributes to the martyrs and announced to give Rs. two lakh to the samiti. Brigadier KS Budhwar, Secretary Rajya Sainik Board Haryana told about the schemes run for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their dependants by the state government. He said that the government would incur Rs. 25 crore on setting up of second Sainik School. He told that the Haryana Government has enhanced financial assistance given at the time of marriage of daughters of war widows, 100 per cent war disabled ex-servicemen and orphan daughter of ex-servicemen from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 21000. Similarly, the financial assistance of Rs. 2500 has been enhanced to Rs. 11000 given in the marriage of daughters of widows of ex-servicemen. In addition to this, free coaching facilities to the wards of war widows, widows and ex-servicemen in the Sainik Pariwar Bhawans. Major General SG Chatterjee, representative of DGR, MLA Patoudi Bhupinder Choudhary, MLA Gurgaon Dharamvir Gauba, Deputy Commissioner Deepti Umashankar also expressed their views on the occasion. The DC who is also Chairperson of Zila Sainik Board announced to give Rs. 5000 from flag Day fund to the students of blind school Behrampur for their patriotic song presentation. Commissioner Gurgaon Division DPS Nagal, Municipal Commissioner Rajeev Sharma, Lt. General RK Gaur, Major General Samay Singh, Lt. General Balbir Singh, Colonel ML Yadav, Major TC Rao, Lt. General JBS Yadav were also present.

Hooda announced Lifetime Achievement Award

Chandigarh, Nov 18 - Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda today announced to institute a Lifetime Achievement Award and announced a bonanza of other incentives for mediapersons whichincluded grant of press accreditation facility at block level. The Chief Minister was interacting with mediapersons shortly afterdedicating a newly set up hi-tech Media Centre, equipped with allmodern facilities, at the 8th floor of Haryana Civil Secretariat, heretoday. Spread over an area of 7000 sq. feet, the Media Centre has beenset up at a cost of about Rs one crore in view of the changingscenario of media. While clarifying the issue of definition of "Journalist" in view ofthe Journalist Welfare Fund set up by the State Government, the ChiefMinister said that now it has been decided that those who arebasically associated with journalism and those whose main source ofincome is journalism, would get financial assistance from JournalistWelfare Fund irrespective of the fact whether they are accredited ornot by the State Government. This decision has been taken for thewelfare of journalists. He said that in case of sudden death of a journalist or any personassociated with journalism, an ex-gratia would be provided to his orher next of kins out of the Journalist Welfare Fund. He also introduced the facility of Press Accreditation tomediapersons at block level by giving Press Accreditation Cards tothree such mediapersons. He also announced that separate PressAccreditation Cell and Press Facility Cell would be set up and thesewould be functional from January next. Mr Hooda said that for the first time, the mediapersons would beprovided with electronic lockers thus giving them one GB space tostore their data. Mr Hooda said that the Press Room set up at the Media Centre was thefirst of its kind in public sector in the country. Equipped with allmodern means of communication, it has seven computers with internetfacility to facilitate the functioning of mediapersons. Two faxmachines have also been provided in the Press Room. In addition, 30physical lockers would be allotted to mediapersons as per their needin the Press Room. The Chief Minister handed over the keys of firstsuch locker to veteran journalist Mr N.S.Parwana. The Press Room has a theater system, wide-screen LCD TV sets equipped with Tata Sky and cable network. A Centrex telephone system has beeninstalled in the Press Room through which any mediaperson can directlyring up any officer of the Haryana Information and Public RelationsDepartment. The Chief Minister said that the work to set up a hi-tech web studiowas in progress at Media Centre and it would be functional within acouple of months. This web studio would provide video clippings onvarious programmes and achievements of the Government to themediapersons. It would also have pre-production and post-productionfacilities like editing. He said that electronic press notes would beissued from January 1 and Haryana would be the first State tointroduce such a system in the country. He said that a Conference Room has also been set up at Media Centrewhere daily briefing system would be introduce to highlight thevarious achievements of the State Government. Also, an InformationCentre equipped with 10 computers, fax and internet facility has alsobeen set up at the Media Centre. He said that a modern pantry has alsobeen set up at Media Centre which would be run by Haryana HospitalityDepartment. While referring to other incentives given by the State Government tomediapersons, the Chief Minister said that with a view to encouragemediapersons of both print and electronic media, the State Governmenthas already instituted 13 State level and 147 district level awards.Such cash awards totaling about Rs 53 lakh would be given tomediapersons every year. There would be two special state awards of Rsone lakh each, 11 state awards of Rs 51,000 each and 147 districtawards of Rs 21,000 each. While referring to the issue of providing Government accommodationfor mediapersons, he said that for allotment of houses, themediapersons would have to pay only that much minimum house rent whichis being paid by Government official for the allotment of a similarhouse. This decision was necessitated because the journalists werepaying differential house rent for the houses alloted to them. Today being the World Epilepsy Day, Mr Hooda announced to give agrant of Rs one lakh each to Haryana Child Welfare Council and"Pryas", an organisation of Chandigarh as these organisations areengaged in the welfare of the deaf, dumb, physically challenged andthose suffering from epilepsy. The Chief Minister appreciated the significant role being played bymediapersons in apprising the people about the developmental andwelfare programmes of the State Government. The Chief Minister was taken around the entire Media Centre and heappreciated the facilities made available there for media persons. The Chief Minister was accompanied by President of Haryana PradeshCongress Committee, Mr Phool Chand Mullana,Chief ParliamentarySecretary, Mr. Dharamvir, MLAs namely Mr Naresh Yadav and Mrs GeetaBukkal, Chief Secretary Mr Dharam Vir, Principal Secretary to ChiefMinister, Mr M.L.Tayal, Commissioner-cum-Director Information andPublic Relations Mr K.K.Khandelwal, Financial Commissioner andPrincipal Secretary, Haryana Public Works (Building and Roads)Department, Mr K.K.Jalan,Political Advisor to Chief Minister, Prof.Virender, Media Adviser to Chief Minister Mr Sunder Pal, Senioroficers of Haryana Public Works (Building and Roads) Department andArchitecture Department.No.IPRDH/2008