Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thermal Power Project at Jhajjar

The Haryana Government has completed acquisition of 1115 acres of land for the establishment of 1320 MW Super CriticalTechnology Thermal Power Project to come up at Jhajjar through thefirst Independent Power Producer ( IPP ) in Haryana. A Spokesman of the Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd.(HPGCL)said here today that the first meeting of the Co-ordinationCommittee, constituted by the Government of Haryana, under theChairmanship of the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary(Power), Mr Ashok Lavasa, reviewed the progress. Managing Directors,HPGCL, Sanjeev Kaushal, Managing Director, UHBVN, Vijayendra Kumar,Managing Director, CLP Power India, Rajiv Mishra, Director/Business,Navin Munjal and other members of the Co-ordination Committee werepresent. He said that with the acquisition proceedings, the Govt. of Haryanais fast nearing the process of completion of the facilitationcommitted in the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). He further added thatthe Haryana Irrigation Department had already committed the allocationof 150 cusecs water for this project. He also said that the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. ofIndia has communicated the environmental clearance for the SuperCritical Technology to be used in the Thermal Plant on October 16.TheHaryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd. has already obtained thelinkage of 5.21 Million Tonne of coal per year for the Plant. Withthis, the CLP Power India Pvt. Ltd. would now commence theconstruction activities on ground in a phased manner shortly. The 1st Unit of 660 MW is scheduled to be commissioned in January2012 and the 2nd Unit of 660 MW in July 2012. For achieving the Financial Closure of the project, the CLP hasengaged the financial consultants. It has been ensured to achievefinancial closure by August, 2009. The main financial plan for theproject envisages a combination of International Banks, multilateralagencies, together with Rupee Lenders and back up financing planunderwriting the entire debt of the project. The approval of IDBICredit Committee was received on 12th November and the finalapproval by the Executive Committee is expected on 27th November. The CLP has already submitted a proposal for Railway siding plan. Theproposal is under consideration of Ministry of Railway. TheEngineering Procurement & Construction contract will be finalised byDecember 15. Chimney height clearance for 275 metre high chimney forthe project has also been obtained from Airport Authority of India,New Delhi. He further stated that in-principal approval for megapower status to this project has been accorded by the Ministry ofPower. For purchase of 90% of power generated by the plant, the CLPand the distribution corporations of the State have already signed thePower Purchase Agreement. For sale of balance 10 % of power, CLP istaking up the matter with some agencies outside the State of Haryanaabiding with the terms and conditions of the Mega Power Policy. Referring to the status update of the project, he saidthat Amarchand Mangaldas has started the Legal due-diligence of theproject and the first draft is expected this week. Lahmeyer has alsostarted the Technical due-diligence and are also expected to submitthe first draft soon. KM Dastur had sent the draft policies for Marineand DSU Policy, EAR & ALOP etc. Common term sheet format is preparedby Clifford chance and discussions were held with HSBC, SCB & CALYON. Simultaneously, the Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. has alsostarted the process of setting up of 400 KV substations at Deepalpurin district Sonepat and at Dhanonda in district Mahendergarh forevacuation of power from this project. Construction power of 6MVA isbeing provided by the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam. The existingcapacity of 132KV sub-station Bahu Jholri is also being augmented byinstalling an additional 16MVA transformer, he added.

1 comment:

virender singh said...

nice information will like to get much information about this and like this,,,,,,,,,,,
i m an iit student of that area......