Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hali Mela at Panipat

Chandigarh, Nov. 22 - The Vice President of India, Dr. Mohammad HamidAnsari today said that eminent poet and social reformer Khawaja AltafHussain Hali Panipati has shown a new way of life to the people and hemade efforts to instill a feeling of patriotism in people throughhis innovative writings. The Vice President was addressing the gathering on the occasion oftwo-day Hali Mela which was organised by Hali Trust, Panipat atPanipat today. The Vice President said that Hali lived in a troubled time. Althougheducation system was prevalent at that time, yet the Britishersformulated a new education system for Indians so that they could getclerks to run their business. Dr. Ansari asserted that Hali understood the circumstances prevailingin the society and infused the feeling of patriotism among the massesthrough his creative Poems, Najams and Gazals and he stressed the needof girls' education about 125 years ago to empower women. He said thatMaulana Hali's attitude to social problems is reflected in an earlyexample of a feminist poem, Chup ki daad, where he described withgreat sensitivity the plight of women and noted the emergence of newtrend of opening doors of education to them. The Vice President said that Hali was a writer and poet and he haddescribed close connection between bad and good and said that "Jo loag nekiyon mai mash-hoor bouhat Hoan nekiyon par apni namaghroor bouhat Neki hi khood ek badi hai, ger na ho kholoos Neki sebadi nahi hai bouhat door" Similarly Hali had also highlighted the differences betweenknowledge and ignorance and said that "Hain jehel main sabaalim-o-jaahil humsar Aata nahin farq uske soo unko nazar Aalim ko haiilm upni naadani ka Jaahil ko nahin jehl ki kuch apni khabar" Dr. Ansari reminded that in 1907 while addressing an annual sessionof All India Muslim Educational Conference, Mr. Hali identified therelevance of modern education to employment and urged the youth tomake their efforts to redress the situation. He had advised them notto confine their quest to government jobs but to seek expression oftheir talent and genius in crafts and education. The Vice President said that Panipat had a historical background andHali had tried his best to fame the name of Panipat. Dr. Ansarireleased books, one book was published by Haryana Sahitya Akadmicomplied by Dr. Subhash Chander namely Altaf Hussain Hali 'Srijan aurChintan', 'Dastane Hali' written by Ramesh Chander Puhal, 'ChunidaNazame and Gazlain' published by Panipat Hali Trust and complied byDr. Subhash Chander and Ram Mohan Rai. He also released a Halicalander of 2009 and launched a webside ''prepared by Hali Trust Panipat. The Governor, Haryana Dr. A.R. Kidwai said that Hali who was born in1837 during the British rule had left an indelible imprint on theminds of people. Hali gave a message of patriotism and unity andintegrity of the country which was still relevant even today, headded. He expressed hope that the people of Panipat would make maximumcontribution to keep the cherished memory of Hali alive. Dr. Kidwai said that Panipat city is a symbol of peace and amity andthis city had made a lot of contribution in the progress of the state.He gave a clarion call to the people of the Panipat to propagate themessage of Hali throughout the world as this was the need of the hour. The Haryana Chief Minister Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda said that Haliwas a great poet who had infused the feelings of brotherhood and amityamong people through his writings. The Hali had advocated theempowerment of women at that time as he had realised that without thecooperation of the women healthy society could not be formed. Mr.Hooda said that Haryana government had also launched a number ofwelfare schemes for the women of the state. While referring to therelations between India and Pakistan, he reminded that the people ofthe both countries had made supreme sacrifices to get the country freefrom the clutches of British Empire. India and Pakistan had commonheritage also, he asserted. The Chief Minister said that a school was being set up in the Haveliof Hali in his memory. He also announced to provide a grant of Rs. 5lakh from his discretionary fund so that the heritage of Hali could bewidely propagated. The President of Hali Panipati Trust and member of PlanningCommission, Dr. Syeda Hameed and Chairman of Parsar Bharati ArunBhatnagar, Vice President of Trust Mahesh Dutt Sharma also spoke onthe occasion. Those who present on the occasion included, Balbir Pal Shah, Mrs.Parshani Devi and Raj Rani Poonam all MLAs, Chairperson of SamajKalyan Board, Renu Poswal and Commissioner Rohtak Division. Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh had also sent a message to theHali Panipati Trust and complemented the trust to organise a Hali Melato keep alive the memories of Khawaja Altaf Hussain Hali and hiscontribution to the Urdu literature. The Prime Minister also laudedthe efforts of Hali Panipati Trust for taking this initiative tospread the message of Hali Sahib to the youth of India.

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