Saturday, November 22, 2008

financialassistance to war widows in Haryana

Chandigarh, November 22 - Haryana Chief Minister Mr Bhupinder SinghHooda has announced to introduce the scheme for providing financialassistance of Rs. 1000 per month to all war widows of the state inaddition to family pension they are already getting from CentralGovernment. The Chief Minister has also announced to enhance the financialassistance to Ex-Servicemen and World War II veterans. The financialassistance to ex-servicemen has been enhanced from Rs. 600 to Rs. 1000per month and to World War II veterans from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 permonth. The Chief Minister said that the enhancement in pension of widows of2nd World War veterans has been made from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 permonth and of widows of ex servicemen from Rs. 600 per month to Rs.1000 per month. The total extra financial implication to implementenhanced financial assistance scheme would be about Rs. 9.95 crore peryear.

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