Saturday, November 22, 2008

Clinton, President of the U. S invited Haryana C.M.

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Chandigarh, November 22 - Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) establishedby William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the United States hasinvited Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda to a meetingof CGI scheduled to be held at Hong Kong on December 2 and 3, 2008. In a letter personally written by Mr. Bill Clinton to inviteMr Hooda to the CGI meeting at Hong Kong, he has mentioned that theevent at Hong Kong has been designed to foster philanthropic culturein the dynamic and growing region of the world, Asia. CGI has been established in the year 2005 to turn good intentionsinto real action and results. CGI Asia offered a new membershipopportunity to engage business, government, civil society, andphilanthropic leaders across Asia. The CGI Asia Meeting in Hong Kong,the first CGI meeting to be held outside the United States, is achance for Asia's most influential leaders to come together and takeaction to solve the region's most pressing issues. The meeting wouldfocus on three primary areas of discussion which includes education,energy and climate change and public health. The working session ofCGI's on education will explore specific and actionable ways toenable millions to gain access to quality education as education isessential for social and economic development, beyond lifting peopleout of poverty and strengthening the global economy, educationalopportunities can dispel conflicts, create jobs and improve healthconditions. The energy and climate sessions will explore the economicopportunities in fighting global warming around the globe. Panels willexplore carbon markets, innovations in the transportation sector, newpower technologies and breakthrough in energy efficiency. The PublicHealth session will seek to inform and inspire new commitments toimprove health in the poorest countries and reduce the profound healthdisparities among and within the countries. As an integral part of membership, each CGI Asia participant wouldhave to make a Commitment to Action—a new, specific, and measurableinitiative that addresses a social, economic, or environmental problemof the member's choosing. Commitment to Action is the efforts totranslate ideas into results. CGI members have made nearly 1000commitments with the potential to impact hundreds of millions of livesin more than 100 countries. At Hong Kong, Mr.Clinton will join several hundred Asianleaders from a wide variety of backgrounds to further strengthensocial and global responsibility in Asia, and move toward the benefitsachieved through collaboration. Two days of panel discussions andinteractive working sessions would be held, each of which wouldexamine specific challenges and opportunities for action. The sessionsin the meeting would examine the ways emerging economies are achievingsustainable and equitable growth, particularly in the midst of aglobal economic slowdown, rising energy and food prices, and mountinghealthcare costs. Business and government leaders would discuss thepriorities that countries and regions would have to balance in orderto strengthen equity and stability in the context of growth andglobalization. For emerging economies in Asia and beyond, growth isessential for job creation, poverty alleviation, and social stability

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